submarines questions
Ask questions and get answers from people sharing their experience with submarine..
A submarine (or simply sub) is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. it differs from a submersible, which has more limited underwater. Ask questions and get answers from people sharing their experience with submarine.. Submarines questions including "what did the first football look like" and "what are the two main kinds of submarines".
Submarines questions including "what did the first football look like" and "what are the two main kinds of submarines".
Submarines questions including "which navy was the first to fire a torpedo to a target from a submarine" and "how is a submarine able to submerge and surface". Ask questions and get answers, help others and meet people sharing their experience with submarine. 8 questions, 8 members.. Submarine questions question (self.archeage) submitted 1 year ago by galaxywong. submarines do not show up on radar, but i still say go for clipper. why?.
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